Once you created your account, you are ready to navigate and create your roster. This article will help you on how to navigate to your Zenshifts account.
When you set up your account and you log in, You can see the DASHBOARD as the default view when you log in. You can access the most commonly used features is a single click away. You can quickly and easily navigate to other Features: Dashboard, Schedule, Timesheets, Reports, and Organization setup.
- Dashboard Overview- Here, you can view and approve Availability/Leave requests. This is also where you can see Renewals and company summary.
- Schedule Overview- This is where you can create an employee's schedule. Here, you can:
- Navigate through dates by clicking the arrow right/left button. You can also see the Template/copy, Clear, Print, budget, and Filter button.
- You can navigate to a different location
- Switch from Employee to Position view
- Add Schedule/availability
- Publish and Notify Option
- Timesheet Overview-Timesheet shows the actual hours that the employee worked. Timesheet can be generated from the created shift, it can also be created by clocking in and out, lastly, it could be from the staff submission, given that they were granted permission to do so.
- Reports Overview- You can generate a report from different locations and different views.
- Schedule By EmployeeSchedule By Employee (Condensed)
Schedule By Employee (Enhanced)Schedule By Employee (Multiple Locations)s
Schedule By Position
Schedule By Position (Condensed)
Employee Schedule (Multi-Week)
Availability Leave Report
Shift Notification
Time Sheet
Time Sheet Excel Download
Time Sheet With Notes Excel Download
STAFF Listing
- Organization Set up- You can set up your company Based on your Organization Structure. You will be able to Set up your company profile, Location, position, and staff list.