Prerequisite: Only Admin or Manager can add or edit a shift.

  1. To add a shift, navigate to the Schedule page. 
  2. Select the + button on where you'd like to create a shift

3. Use the shift creation tool/panel on the left handside of the screen to set the shift. You can add/edit the following.

  • Start Time of the shift
  • End time of the shift
  • Meal/Break
  • End Option- This is used if the shift doesn't have an end time. You can have the option to set it as 'Closed' or 'Required'.
  • Staff- Can select from your staff lis on who you would like to assign the shift to.
  • Save as template-Can save shift as a template if you often use the same start time and end time of the shift.
  • Total hours- the total hours for the shift that you created
  • Total cost- the total cost for the shift.

Once you have finished setting the parameters of your shift, click save or just move onto the next shift by clicking the + button in the next space.

You may also check this interactive instruction on how to add a shift on the Position view.