You can generate different reports depending on your preference.
Here are the lists of report that you can generate depending on your preference.
- Schedule By Employee -Generate schedule by employee
- Schedule By Employee (Condensed)- Generate schedule by employee (portrait with smaller type)
- Schedule By Employee (Enhanced) - Generate schedule by employee (landscape with calculated hours)
- Schedule By Employee (Multiple Locations) -Generate schedule by employee assigned Locations
- Schedule By Position -Generate schedule by Position (portrait with smaller type)
- Schedule By Position (Condensed) -Generate schedule by Position
- Employee Schedule (Multi-Week)- Generate schedule for each employee for multiple weeks
- Availability Leave Report -Generate a listing of all availability and leave grouped by employee
- Shift Notification -Generate the status of shift notifications message sent to staff
- Time Sheet -Generate a listing of all staff
- Time Sheet Excel Download- Generate a listing of timesheets on specific or all location
- Time Sheet With Notes Excel Download- Generate a listing of timesheets with notes of specific location
- Staff Listing -Generate a listing of all staff